
What stocks should i invest in for a short term gain?

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i wanna know which stocks are good for investing but only for a short term? how can i educate myself about the different options?




  1. None.  Stocks are usually not advised for short-term gains.  They are most advantageous when held for about 10 years or longer.  If you did happen to make some money from stocks in the short-run, you only did it by random luck and might not be able to repeat it.  Also, predicting which stocks will go up in the short-run is a guessing game.

    If you want to educate yourself on stock investing, you will need to read some good books:

    -  "The 5 Rules of Successful Stock Investing", by Pat Dorsey is an excellent starter book.

    -  The Boglehead's Guide to Investing

    - My free downloadable book at

    - A Random Walk Down Wall Street, by Burton Malkiel.

  2. Short term for me is about 3 months, any longer who knows what will happen, so PWRD, CBG, CDR, & NEXC are strong, undervalued stocks.

  3. If I were to invest in something for short term - probably a company that makes explosives for missile war heads considering what's popping over yonder.

  4. First, you need to educate yourself on technical analysis or chart analysis, which is the only way to identify patterns that result in short term moves. Fundamentals don't change in short term significantly, but stocks can still have significant price moves.

    Once you do this, you should be able to screen for stocks setting up for short term moves.

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