
What stoller/pram is best for town/city living?

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I live in a mid-sized town with lots of cobblestone, brick and uneven sidewalks. It is also a relatively hilly town. The stroller/pram choices are very overwhelming. Any advice on good durable strollers/prams would be greatly appreciated. Also, I would like one that lays flat as I do not want my baby to have to be in a car seat attached to the stroller. Thanks for all your help.




  1. i had a graco travel system and it lasted us 3 years so i would reccomend that type of strooler.

  2. have a look at bertini's they have pump up wheels which are great for a smooth ride on all surfaces and easy to push

    but if you get one with big wide wheels (like i did) you will find you cant fit it through the supermarket checkout aisles

    but have fun and just look around alot you will know when you have found the right one

  3. I would recommend the phil and teds. Lays flat for a new born and it is light compact jogger and great over any type of terrain. They are a classic design and will outlast most strollers and as they have the toddler option it is great if you plan on more children also it is probably 1 of the few prams that is great to resell.

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