
What stops lightening from striking trains?

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We were wondering that on the highway, next to railroad tracks the other night. In motor vehicles the tires, I believe, prevent lightening from striking.....what about trains?




  1. Tires are not enough insulation to protect a car, think about it, that lightening bolt just went through an open gap in the air for miles, a few inches of rubber (with steel wires throughout) does nothing.

    I have known people that have had their cars struck, the metal skin around the car body conducted the electricity away from the occupants, through the tires and into the ground.  It killed the computer and electronics but the people were OK.

    Likewise trains, they occasionally get struck, although not as often as you would think considering all the metal involved.

    You would think with a conductor on every train they would be perfect lightening rods. (sorry, I couldn't help myself)

  2. Nothing.... They get struck by lightning, don't worry. XD

  3. They do strike trains, I have seen the rail turn red after lighting stuke the tracks from 1000's of feet from where we was working.

  4. I have never heard of a train being struck by lightning. This is because trains are either moving at speed (lightning does not strike moving objects) or because when they are at rest, there are higher points around them e.g. the roofs of buildings, which the lightning is more likely to strike.

  5. It is not the tires that prevent cars from being struck from lightening.  From what I remember when my high school class went to the Science Museum in Boston the tires would have be almost a mile thick to keep you safe from lightening!

    Cars are considered "safe" because of the frame of the car.  The electric charge travels along the skin of a car.  They demonstrate this at the museum.    

    Trains are struck all the time I imagine.

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