
What stops the different R&S partisiapants from deleting their own account in protest of what they're against?

by Guest57759  |  earlier

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If your account is going to get suspended, or even just your questions violated all the time what stops everyone from pulling the plug on their own stuff. In fact, if you delete your own questions before they get violated by someone who doesn't like your opinion wouldn't that stop an account from getting suspended? Just curiosity on my part I guess, but when the points in this Y&A answers are added up they still get you nothing more than a level and that doesn't seem like much motivation for any mature adult no matter what they do or don't believe. Any help with this reasoning would be appreciated, please help me understand this phenomena better?




  1. People can't delete their own Y!A accounts without deleting their whole Yahoo account, including the mail account.

    From what I know a report is a report and it doesn't matter if you delete the question or not, the report is still there. Points and levels doesn't have to be the motivation, wasting time and interacting with others in one way or the other might be more important.

    Some members do spend a lot of time here. It's most often people that comes where while they work and people that can't work because they are ill. Y!A is not their whole life but it's a big part of it since it's a nice way for them to waste some times.  

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