
What store can I buy a purity ring at? (not on a website)?

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What store can I buy a purity ring at? (not on a website)?




  1. I was actually at a christian book store today and i saw a few purity rings. Instead i opted for a necklace that says hope and faith and its really adorable. =] Jonas Brothers wear some too.

  2. That is great that you want to buy a purity ring.'s as if your coping off of Selena Gomez, The Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato.

    I mean, NOONE had purity rings until them.

    Plus, it's like proclaming your sexual status.

    Would you say this outloud for the whole world to hear? " I AM A VIRGIN AND I HAVE NEVER HAD s*x!"

    No, I don't think you would.

    But, if you really want one, go to the Religious shop.

  3. At any christian bookstore! Hey, kudos on the tlw ring!  

  4. please don't tell me you're buying one because the jonas brothers wear them...............

  5. If you live in the US, they sell them at Target and I think Wal Mart. You can also buy them at a Christian book store.  

  6. generally people buy them for you, like your parents. its more special when your parents have faith in you to be "pure". And if its just because you want to show off your purity ring, just go buy a pretty ring and tell everyone.  

  7.   im so glad im not the only one who have noticed the hardcore influx of girls wanting purity rings since the jonas brothers wear them.  seriously, like, ive been faffing around on this site since like, two years ago and never ever ever were there even like, ANY questions about purity rings till the jonas brothers hit the scene, now every day i come on here and "oh, purity ring this, and purity rnig that"...coincidence?  i think not

  8. Toys R' Us

  9. christian book store!

    or any christian store CHRISTIANS ROCK!


  10. I agree with basically everyone else. Why not just not have s*x until marriage? Do you even need a ring?  

  11. The Christian Book Store!

    They have really awesome ones!

  12. Try a Christian bookstore

  13. Are you just wearing one because the JB wear them? I mean come on....I'm an athiest but, seriously. I bet if the Jonas Brothers said breathing wasn't cool almost the entire population would be dead while me and a few other people would be laughing our asses off.

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