
What stores are possible in my town?

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I live in a town of around 15,000 people. I guess you could say I'm a "involved" student in our town. I'm very interested in economics, etc. I year ago I emailed Arby's and gave them a lengthy email about coming to our town; and after a year their new store is almost open.

Next week, I got out the owner of our mall to come to our Introduction to Business class (he lives 4 hours away). Our mall is basically empty. The only stores that are there is Herbergers, a 5 screen movie theater, and that's basically it. However, it has room for 2 "Anchor" stores (such as Kohls or JC Penny). There is also 30 empty normal size store fronts available.

So, what stores do you think I (or our class) could get to come to our town? Remember we have 15,000 people... Is Kohls a possibility? How about American Eagle or Hollister? What about food? McDonalds? (We have one already - not in mall) Orange Julius? B. Dalton? Bath & Body Works?

Please give a list of possible stores based on their current locatio




  1. why would you want to build even more in our country?!

    that is absolutely rediculous

    way to ruin the enviornment and all of the little creatures that live in it

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