
What stores sell wormwood (with thujone), hyssop, calamus root, fennel seed, and ansise fruits?

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I don't want to buy them at an online store. I'm interested in well known stores that sell them. Thank you!




  1. First of all, the type of wormwood you are looking for to make absinthe is not sold in the U.S.  You can only only get is from other countries - the best prices are with French companies, as it is very popular there.

    Unfortunately, many of those that you have listed above cannot be found in most stores.  If you have a natural foods store near you, they may carry them or have the ability to special order those items.  

    Fennel seed can be found in any grocery store in the spice area.  Hyssop can be grown and is found in the herb section of seed catalogs.

  2. are you trying to make absinthe?

  3. As wormwood is a deadly poison I think you would have to be a profesional in a field that uses it to buy it.

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