
What story can I come up with to leave work?

by  |  earlier

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I want out of here - good excuse please




  1. Tell him your pregnant. It works everytime.

  2. next time tell them that you pooped your pants!

  3. I have cramps.

  4. do you mean like have a day off or quit cause if it just a day off just say that  somtihng happend with one of your family member and that family member is very inportant if you wanna quit just say ur moving somewhere else really far

  5. Tell your boss you don't need today's money, and would prefer to be at the mall or laying in bed watching reruns of Roseanne.

  6. tell em' that you just got word of a 300 thousand dollar crack party going on down the street, and you just have to go.

  7. Agree with the 'nice to see a dedicated employee'. Why not just ask if you can leave early. If they say no it could be because they actually expect the person they are employing to stay and work. Which would be why they employed you to begin with. If you don't care if they need you, then why are you there to begin with?

    Sorry not answering your question so well. Just don't understand the point of leaving an employer empty handed because you would rather go 'play'. If they sent you home and didn't give you your hours you would be peeved. But its fine for you to lie and leave early even if they need you.

  8. I have a terrible migraine - that seems to almost always work for women! :)

  9. Ah, it's nice to see such a dedicated employee.  I don't see why a simple "I'm not feeling well" wouldn't work.  It's not their business to ask for specifics.  

    Given that it's a summer Friday afternoon, I think they're going to see right through this, though.

  10. Migraine Headache and Throwing up.

    Make sure you make yourself look ill and run to the bathroom holding your mouth a few times.....

  11. Oh boss... man, I don't feel well....  I'm going to stick around for a few more minutes to finish up and I need to go home and get to bed.... cough... cough... sniff... sniff.... -rub eyes and look sad!!!

    Edit:  Make sure you drag your @ss out the door and into your car -in case he'she is watching...!!!

  12. You just vomited in the bathroom and you feel very faint.

  13. Start yelling "the world is coming to an end! repent yourself, you dirty sinners!"

    Your workmates will beg you to leave.

  14. Tell them someone in your family is really sick and you need to go help them out. It's bad karma to think this about someone that you really are close to, so try to think about someone in your distant family that you don't like.  Or you can just tell them that you have super bad stomach pains and need to leave immediately. These both often work for me!

  15. Just tell the truth. If you want to quit, then just say "I want to quit". It's not the first time they have ever heard it and it won't be the last either.

  16. "I quit" usually works pretty well. Problem is, they will replace you.

    How about waiting until the end of your shift - and then you can leave and keep your job.

  17. tell them i want to try other things ur heart is not in the job anymore : )

  18. you got the shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttts!

  19. Do you want to quit?  Or just get off for the day?  Just a simple "I'm not feeling well, I need to go home" should do the trick.  If they press you about it, say you need to leave because you don't want to give it to any of your co-workers.

  20. The plumber or air conditioning man just called me...I totally forgot that they were coming out to my house today. He is waiting for me,  have to go meet up with them because I need to have the _________fixed immediately.

  21. Just tell them you're not feeling all that hot, and you need to lie down.  If I were you I would call off Monday too.

    Or you could just tell the truth, you're not having a good day and you think it would be in your best interest to leave. I did that once at work came back the next day and still had my job, no one held it against me. Sometimes you just need time for you.

  22. your child is sick, you forgot about a doctors appointment, or your have unbearable period cramps that one works especially on a man because hes not going to question you as a woman might ask if you tried midol or if you wanted to just lay down for a few minutes

  23. The truth. if you don't need the money and the support of a job then leave. but first I would question my motivations.

  24. Family emergency

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