
What strange things did your Gran tell you?

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What strange things did your Gran tell you?




  1. dont put new shoes on the table

    it's bad luck

  2. if you had chilblains, soak them in the pee pot......yuk

  3. She told me that if I ate the crust of the bread, it would turn my hair curly.  

  4. That if I went around the corner of her estate a crazy old woman would knit me up in her huge sock full of missing children! Kept me scared for years to leave her garden! Guess that exactly what she wanted! :) My Evil Granny!!:P

  5. My granny always used to say "Every little drop helps said the old woman who peed in the sea".

  6. Grandma went nuts any time a grandchild was staying overnight at her house and washed her hair after supper, saying that going to bed with wet hair was deadly dangerous.  (Actually, when Grandma was a teenager her sister Anne was very ill with pneumonia, and was desperate to wash her hair.  Sister Anne washed her hair, went to bed with wet hair, and died in the night.)  

  7. It wasn't my grandmother..thank god but i had a crazy aunt who actually gave me a "men got to do their dirty business" speech when i was 10!  I had nightemares  for several nights my mom figured out after questioning me what was wrong and chewed her up one end and down the other!  OMG!

  8. She told me it was bad luck to open my umbrella indoors.

    Well, ofcourse thats just a myth!  

  9. well my granny

    told me when my grandpa died

    a butterfly  as big and wide as a ruler

    had snakes heads on its wing flew

    IDK she told me it actually happen in vietnam

    but that would be cool:D

  10. If I pick my nose my bum will fall off.  Or if I pull a face it will stay like that when the wind changes.

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