
What strange things do you do when you go camping?

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i hooked up with a girl i met on top of a mountain


i got some frenchies to buy me a drink




  1. I learned a new one from my boy scouts meat-on-a-stick.  Our hot dogs have been replaced by steak.

  2. I drive several hours into the mountains, sometimes I pick up a permit, sometimes I am too shy to go in and so I drive back home. And sometimes I get all the way up there and start on the trail and after a few minutes of hiking I decide to go home. And for several years on several trips, I got all my backpacking gear, food, and everything ready, planned my trips for months in advance, packed for a week or more, got up before dawn, drove all morning, hiked for a few hours, and rather than set up camp, I decided to turn around, hike back out, and go home the same day. I got permits for the John Muir Trail two years in a row, and three other permits online the following year, and didn't go on any trips. Last year I prepared for five backpacking trips, one after the other, on a three week tour, with all my food and gear ready in odor proof bags, maps to hotels to stay at between trips, local restaurants and grocery stores for resupply, and I went on one trip, one night, in a different spot because I was too shy to stop for a permit. Loneliness is a horrible affliction.

  3. I invent bird-calls and run around hunting for wombats. Aggressive little buggers.

  4. I take her to see the filindoos.  Yknow? What we can feel and do?

  5. Camping itself is a strange idea to me...Why would I want to live like a homeless person for a few days?  Is that recreation? I'd rather go have fun in the woods or at the lake, then go back to a nice clean hotel.

  6. I won't go into details, but it involves Viagra, tequila and a moss covered log.

  7. With other guys you make crazy videos, we made this "Pysco at Forest Lane"  It was pretty intense, and REALLY funny.  

    But I'm guessing your talking about camping with a girl.  How about making some smores and later going swimming or skinny dipping, if permitted.  Then finish with a movie.

  8. Talk to my neighbors. U see when at home every one is to busy to stop and talk a bit or they have a fence around there house with a beware of dog sign. but camping if the dogs are mean then the ranger is real unfriendly and you won't be back.Folks have an idea that if you camp then chances are your not a piece of c**p and must be worth speaking too. share ideas about camping and where the Bear was last seen.It is the best place to get better at our take it easy time.I see your last little note about Bear kidding or not Bear encounters are on the rise. I am a hunter of Big Game including Bears and have been in a bad spot more than I have time for tonight and a good scar too prove one of them.So to put it in perspective I camp in the summer time close to places That I hunt in when ever possible.So if your camping and you see some one in the camp ground with a hunting logo on the vehicle watch your back while hiking in the woods.and I don't care how they do things in the north I always carry Bear repellent works good on idiots as well. Luck

  9. I re-enact the American Civil War with dozens and sometimes hundreds of my pards.  Last July, we went to the 145th Anniversary re-enactment of the Battle of Gettysburg, where seventeen thousand of us reprized that battle.  We camped.  We marched.  We fired thousands of rounds from our rifles, revolvers and cannons.  We made a lot of noise, lots of smoke, and had way, way, way too much fun!

  10. I went camping in another country and the first time and it was FUN. I met several guys at the beach. In the morning, before dawn, me and my cousin would wake up the boys and go down to the beach... at night, while the guys sleep we put their hands in very cold water, locked them inside their tent and act like a bear was coming. Oh, yeah, and get lost in the forest all by myself.  

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