
What strength workouts can i do to condition for vball next year?

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What strength workouts can i do to condition for vball next year?




  1. runnin, jump rope, duck squats (i kno that sounds stupid but it strenthins ur legs so u dont have weak knees), jumpin exercises, u could lift leg weights to make ur legs stronger, lift weights wit ur arms, pushups, sit ups...alot of people think volleyball is just sum sport u just stand and hit the ball over the net but thats not true...u have to always be alert and move around...theres alot of jumping doin anything exercise is good...and eat healthy-no sodas-dont eat too much candy-and dont eat so much fatty greasy foods-eat things wit alot of carbs so they keep u filled up durin the game and drink lots of gatorade...and its better to drink gatorade than water durin a game-sumthin bout it doesnt make u so thirsty and it satifies u...hope hits helps =)

  2. some things we did were passing drills and sprints and suicides and situps and stuf like that

  3. contrary to popular belief, vball is a "full body" sport. i would recommend conditioning your whole body and stay healthy. soleous, obliques, deltoids are just examples of muscle groups that people don't pay attention to. you use your quads when you jump, so strengthen your hamstrings to keep up with your quads- by doing this you are avoiding knee injury and will have more play time. go see a trainer and design a workout specifically for vball. good luck!

  4. Do lots of push-ups, sit-ups, and leg-lifts.

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