
What stresses you out most about driving?

by  |  earlier

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petrol prices and people that deliberately slow down in front of you when your in a hurry give me the hump




  1. Not fan of the long bridges myself. People who don't use turn signals, and people who ride out a lane that gives a mile notice that it will end and then they cut you off (likewise the ones that see a line of traffic and go to the very front of it and try to squeeze in)...

    EDIT: I just drove home from work and realized I forgot couple LOL. People whose breaklights don't work, people who don't pay attention to the speed limit and drive 5-10 miles slower than the limit, and people who turn in front of you when there is no one behind you...

  2. people with no observation skills who cant see my bus and just pull out on me its a big blue bus i think im a ghost bus my workies say the same,it doesnt stress me though as long as im observent i`ll be safe.taxes on all it takes to drive is a wee stress though.

  3. The people who think their 3.72 seconds are more important than yours...

  4. crazy drivers!!!!  don't people realize that cars can be death traps?  i guess until someone is in a car accident, they sometimes don't understand how dangerous cars can be.

  5. traffic

  6. Nothing. I have learned how pointless it is to arrive stressed. I think age settles you down a bit.

    Change the things you CAN change (power)

    Accept the things you CANNOT change (serenity)

    Know the difference (wisdom)

  7. I'm not a big fan of crossing long bridges!

  8. The people who insist upon speeding in the blinding rain and zipping around you in a frenzied rush, only to be waiting ahead at the next stop light.

  9. Selfish drivers who think other drivers should be courteous. Also, dealing with construction detours, although construction is important!

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