
What structures are present in animal daughter cells that are not present in the plant cell?

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  1. i'll tell you the difference

    animal cells

    1.donot have cell wall and the nucleus is the central structure

    2.the have centriole

    3.they have lysosomes

    4.most of the space is covered by cytoplasm

    5.vacuoles if present are small

    plant cells

    1.have cell wall and the nucleus is pushed to a corner by the vacuole

    2.they donot have centriole

    3.they donot have lysosomes

    4.cytoplasm is pushed towards the corner by vacuole

    5.vacuoles are big and at the center

  2. Mitochondria is the largest one - Plant cells have corrosponding chloroplasts.

    Plant cells also have cell walls - Animal cells do not.

    A final difference is that plant cells have large vacuoles, while animal cells have much smaller ones.

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