
What stuff and workout should i do need to train for mma?

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i have a punching bag a boxing one a speedbag and a treamill i dont have gloves or anything else




  1. depends on what's available to you

    are you near a gym or club where they train MMA or any other kinds of martial arts?  training partners are essential; you will probably need to have at least some basic skills training about how to punch and kick in order to get the most out of your equipment

    gloves of some sort are very important to protect the skin on your knuckles as you punch the bag, but you can probably get away with thai leg kicks to a heavy bag

    the grappling skills are extremely hard to learn without partners, but if you're creative you can use the heavy bag to practice throws, and floor positions (again, it's best to have someone show you the basic techniques so you're not just wasting your time practicing bad technique

  2. Sparring partner, treadmill, you don't need gloves cause your probably not gonna use them if you do bareknuckle matches, kicking bag (the really big ones) and mouthguard.

  3. tredmill not needed.. run outside lazy @ss!!

    you need a tire jump rope wrist weights

  4. running is OK...but not the best for fighting or self defense. fighting and self defense happens i short bursts...much more like running sprints. rather than running a marathon.

    the main things you need are 1 you. 2 a teacher and 3 money to pay gym fee's so you can go learn and train for real. spar with people...etc

    heavy bags, speed bags, focus gloves (awesome tool...get some) ...for sparring and such youll need some boxing gloves or something similar. maybe some head gear...a cup. ankle supports optional but recommended. wrist wraps (a must) etc.

    oh and get a jump rope

  5. Man Yahoo Answers is getting more and more less good answers to questions huh?  must be the class of little web nerds that out there lately.

    First off jcb mccoy, you should think about buying your self a personal round timer that you can buy at any big sporting goods store dude.  Secondly be realistic in the way you approach the heavy bag ( punching bag ).  Think along the lines of the jab, hook, upper cut, bolo, over hand and cross punches.  Do a little research on boxing and it's stances and punches via a decent search engine.

    You might find punching the heavy bag without bag cloves a little uncomfortable at first and you may even rub the skin off of your knuckles depending on your age, tenderness and any femenization issues that you could possibly have, but punching the heavy bag bare knuckled is something that I highly recommend to toughen your index and middle knuckles on each hand up with.  

    Look into core muscle work outs because this is where all your power will be developed at as far as punching power and speed go.  you can also research core muscle works via a good search engine.  

    You're only limited to what you know so research its self is more than half the battle when it comes to the science of combat dude.  Also if you want to look into training for MMA as you mentioned look into judo or jujitsu instructional DVD's to check out and practice at home.  These type of videos are all step by step and you can review them when ever you choose to.

    If you want a "maximum" work out research is where it's at man.

    Good luck.

  6. look up the type of training the actors from "300" did to prepare for their roles in the movie.

    It's pretty much the best kind of training you can get for fighting.

  7. Tredmill is always good,I take BJJ and always run it for 30 min 4 times a day. Keeping my stamina up is important

  8. MOnday

    Run 20 miles

    Do one thousand push ups

    do one thousands sit ups


    Run 40 miles

    Do two thousands push ups

    Do two thousands sit ups


    RUn 80 miles

    do four thousands push ups

    Do four thounds sit ups

    well u get the point do it for like a month and man people wil lthink your on steriods

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