
What stuff should i get for a airplane ride?

by Guest57681  |  earlier

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I have a 3 and a half hour flight and 3 hour drive need to stay occupied!




  1. Definitely a book.  They wont let you have your laptop or MP3 player on during take-off and landing.  In between, you can have them on.  But you will have other passengers that might be curious to see what you are doing on your computer.  Especially old ladies that cant mind their own d**n business.  They will try to have a conversation with you and most of the time, you just want to tell them to shut up but you cant because they are old ladies.  Who would actually be rude to an old lady?

    Magazines can be purchased at the airport.  I do that a lot.  Get a bunch of magazines so I am not bored.  But they dont really last that long.  You end up spending $30 on a bunch of magazines that you can easily finish within an hour or two.

    You could have some snacks with you.  Airline snacks are usually salted peanuts and soda.  I have heard that some airlines give you really awesome snacks that are almost gourmet, but those are usually international flights.

  2. You might want some snack crackers or candy.  The snacks on a plane, if any, are very small.  If you buy a drink to take, buy it AFTER you go through the security gate or you can't take it on.  Book, handheld game and magazines for the flight.  Cd's for the drive and if you have a small CD player, you can use it on the plane as well.

  3. I would get a good book for the flight.  If you don't like to read you could get a puzzle book and a small cd player with a few of your favorite disks.  These are often cheap in Wal Mart or Target and come with head phones.  Mine runs off of AA batteries.  

  4. book, mp3 player, portable dvd player?? depends how how of a flight Have fun !!!!  

  5. book



    music device


    port a dvd

  6. A good book to read, crossword puzzle, sudoku magazine.

    DVD player with movies.

  7. books,paper,pencils (to draw), if u have a laptop that would be nice to watch movies, also if u have portable gaming systems that would be entertaining to  

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