
What stunt does McCain have planned to accept his nomination?

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Lots of people have criticized Obama for moving his acceptance speech to a football stadium to accept his nomination, so I'm wondering, what stunt does McCain have planned?

Will he crash a fighter plane into an off-shore oil rig, and declare "mission accomplished"? You know he has to do something to show up Obama!




  1. there is no need for stunts he doesn't need to celebratize his campaign to get the vote. Or dazzle over the lies.  

  2. Ok I was not to tell you but here it is

    McCain well come out in make up singing ''Old man river'' His V P well follow singing ''I am women hear me shout'' She well give him a mocking  laugh than push him off the stageThere well be L*****n pygmy giving the opening pray in Arabic

    So it's in the bag

  3. Certainly no stunt as grand as Obama. I think McCain will just humbly accept the nomination.

  4. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    I bet he jumps from 35,000 feet with no parachute and lands on his feet.  

  5. Him and Christopher Walkden are gonna sit at a table, bandanas round their heads and starter pistols in their hands, and McCain will say to the referee, "Gimme three nominations!"

  6. He'll anounce a woman as his VP to steal hillary supporters who just wanted to vote for a woman!

    *hides from feminists*

  7. He just did it, by nominating S. P. for VP!

  8. He'll ask Sarah Palin to take George Bush back to Alaska... as he introduces a different veepstakes winner.

  9. hes gonna remember how much houses he has  

  10. Talk about his plan.  

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