
What style of bike seat is the most comfortable?

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ive decided to start ridring a bike again and i either need a new seat or post. im figuring i need both though. i was rideing on mine after it was tuned up and the seat still wiggled and my butt hurt the next day. someone suggested the gel seat




  1. big fat padded seat is most comfortable...if you are a guy you are advised to avoid the hard little pointy seats, they permanently wreck your tubes, they can make you sterile.

  2. if you go to a sporting good store, something like d**k's sporting goods or a store with a GOOD bike area there are some that have bad ones, and stay away from department stores, buy a seat that is actually big, like not a skinny mountain bike one and big one with gel comfort and whatever else, and you could even go as far as adding a gel seat cover on top of that, or a memory foam one, and d**k's if they have them in, sell a new seat post that is a suspension seat post so even more comfort.

  3. i gel padded saet

  4. I miss the bannana seat! LOL! Don't you?

  5. Big and cushy is a bad thing in a bike seat.   When cycling, friction is your enemy.    A big "comfy" saddle will tear up your sensitive areas in a hurry.  See below for a selection of  quality saddles.   A gel pad will likely make things worse, not better.

    A few other thoughts:

    1.  It takes a while for your butt to toughen up.   A little soreness is common early in the season even for serious cyclists.

    2.  Any "wiggling" of the saddle indicates something is not installed properly.  I'm not psychic, so I can't tell from here whether its the saddle, the seat post, or the collar holding the seatpost in the frame.  

    3.  Get a pair of cycling shorts.   They will further reduce friction.   Even though non-cyclists poke fun, cycling attire is all function, not fashion.

  6. I was always told the kind of seats you get on the chopper type bikes with the high up handlebars were the comfiest bike seats you can get.

    You know, the really BIG ones that don't leave you feeling like you've been sitting on an upside down iron all day.  Hehe.

  7. I agree almost completely with silverbullet. One thing though. If you are a casual rider, that is you don't ride hard, far or that often you don't necessarily need a saddle that is narrow and lightly padded like a cyclist that rides a lot. These saddles are truly the best for many hours in the saddle.

    For a casual rider do not ever get a soft thickly padded, fat one. But a medium/narrow width very dense padded saddle.

  8. well i once rode on a 180 mile bike trip within a span of a week and had purchased a Schwinn Comfort Gel bicycle seat. Best thing I have ever bought for bike riding! I gave it 5 stars!

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