
What subject and grades would you rather teach and why?

by Guest45472  |  earlier

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I am a certified k-12th Health & Physical Education Teacher but i prefer middle school grades because it seems like the students at that level are at a critical learning stage where they are much more easily motivated to want to learn.

What subject and grades would you prefer to teach and why?




  1. I would personally HATE to teach middle school.  Lol I think kids in grades 6-8 think way too much of themselves and try too hard to act older.  They are rude, annoying, etc, etc...point is, hahaha that I can't stand middle schoolers.  

    Elementary would be okay, but they are a bit too young...I would probably get frustrated.

    I think I would most like to teach high school (junior classes preferably since they are old enough to be more fun, but actually show up unlike seniors)

    I would love to teach english, except for the grading essays part :P. haha I prefer to teach the literature...

    Maybe history...I like history...World History though, not American (I'm sick of learning American History)...

    Actually, only thing keeping me from considering a career as a teacher is the grading part...

  2. I teach high school kids, my jokes and content in class are better for a older group. I am a history teacher. I teach about dead people. Junior high is the key. Those kids need so much that is the age where you can really make a difference.

  3. NOOOOO! Most kids (myself excluded) at the Middle School age HATE school and don't listen to what a teacher says at all. They just don't care about school at all. Kids want to learn from K- about 4th or 5th grade. That's when they learn best, becuase they like it. Now, Phys Ed is different becuase so many LOVE it. They just want that to be the only class in school. So, I don't know if the hating school thing effects gym, but I don't think so as much. If I could teach, it would be History or English becuase you really connect to your students. You can really get inside their heads, becuase you are always talking about one's opinions or thoughts on something. In math, its just numbers. There's no personal connection.

    Have fun teaching.

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