
What subjects should I study in the senior years of high school if I want to write for a magazine???

by  |  earlier

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I've asked this question heaps of times, but since I have to submit my subject choices for next year TOMORROW, I'm asking just one more time..... :)

Ever since I was little I've always wanted to become a writer for a magazine like 'Girlfriend'/'Seventeen' or a newspaper (something like that). I'm also thinking of designing the pages/cover of a magazine. Just anything to do with a magazine, really. I'm in Year 10 and I need to select my subjects for next year.

What level of English do I need to do (standard, advanced, extension 1 or extension 2) and what other subjects should I do (for example, information technology). Also, what degree should I study in uni (is it Bachelor of Arts - Media and Communication OR Journalism?)

Here are most of the subjects offered at my school - which should I do to become a writer (or maybe a designer) for a magazine (or, if not, maybe a writer for a small newspaper)?

-Ancient/modern history

-Science (biology, physics, chemistry, or earth and environmental science)

-Community and Family Studies


-Business studies



-Information Technology

-Legal studies

-Society and Culture

-Textiles and Design

-Visual Arts

Thanks, and please don't be rude :)




  1. Poet and Writers have God gifted qualities. These folks can excel by improving their knowledge in different areas of humanities and sciences.They like journalist have nose for the news, which mean that they keep their ears and eyes open. No doubt the writer or poet can express in any medium and can also utilize the language's similes and metaphors to make their work attractive. Yet language alone cannot make a person good author. The author needs to be conversant with trends at home and abroad. The author further is expected to be aware of the current affairs and the societal dynamics. One can give numerous examples but the most important thing is that the writer must have the urge and passion to write.

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