
What subjects should I take in high school to get into Psychology?

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I'm 15, going into grade 10 in September. I'd like to be a Music Therapist when I'm out of school, and I'm not sure what subjects I should take in high school as sort of a pre-requisite for psychology in University. I plan on going to Wilfred Laurier.




  1. Believe it or not, mathematics are a large part of psychology. If you study it in college, you will have statistics running out of your ears. This is certainly one fact you need to get used to. Check with the university of your choice and see what you need for a psychology degree. That will give you a heads up on what you need to prepare.

  2. Thanks, Ross!

    Too bad I hate math. :P

    This is my question, but I put it on my Mom's account my mistake.

    So if anyone else wants to answer me, I've posted my question again.

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