
What substances are Lipids soluble in?

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What substances are Lipids soluble in?




  1. HI!!

      Lipids are hydrophobic substances(hydrophobic means hate for water)'i.e. they are insoluble in water n almost every thing which is insoluble in water is soluble in non-polar solvents.So, lipids are also soluble in non-polar solvents such as:benzene, ether etc.

    Hope this helps.

  2. lipids in broad terms are fats n oils.if u see there structure carefully,they are hydrophobic (as the surface is hydrophobic).thus they are soluble in non polar solvents like ether n chloroform.for more details check out wiki answers

  3. lipids are soluble in nonpolar substances such as other lipds and fats and things, but are insoluble in polar substances like water..thats why oily stuff floats n water.

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