
What successful accomplishments did theUS Military get against communism, drugtrafficking & terrorism in Cuba?

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  1. Well there has never been communism in Cuba to start with(you know a stateless, classless society, with a gift economy). Any terrorism that there has been in Cuba its been actually done by the CIA in order to kill Castro or overthrow the Cuban Government. And I don't think that drug trafficking its such a big problem in Cuba, at least when you compare it with Mexico or Colombia.

    And yea the bay of the pigs invasion was a complete failure, if anything it helped Castro become more popular.

  2. none, all you named above still exist there

  3. The US military does not have business in Cuba and hasn't since 1962. We have a tiny Island 90 miles away and outside of the Russian missiles back in the 60's we have not needed to give it a second thought.

  4. LMAO!!

    Right about the same they have accomplished in fighting mexican gangs in LA and Texas, drug trafficking in mexico, and prohibiting the entrance into US soil of ingrate mexican immigrants who criticize everything about the American way of life but love to come here to join gangs, have anchor babies, and collect welfare!!!!

  5. The USA and Cuba are not at war. They do not have diplomatic relations, and the USA has an embargo against the nation of Cuba, but they are not at war -- there are no US military actions against Cuba, and haven't been since the 1960s. However, the USA federal government would very much like to overthrow the Cuban government: in 2006, the United States Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba, chaired by Condoleezza Rice, released a 93-page report which included a plan that suggested the United States spend $80 million to overthrow the Cuban Government.

    The US military has stopped some of the drug-laden boats that have left from a Cuban port. It successfully blockaded Cuba in the 1960s to force the Soviets to withdraw its missles from the island. But the Bay of Pigs invasion was a disaster, also in the 1960s, was a diaster, and the USA military hasn't attempted anything else with regard to Cuba since the 1960s (given that their actions in the 1960s helped solidify support for Castro in the island nation, staying away is a very good idea).

    The USA has harbored anti-Cuban terrorists, such as Luis Posada Carriles, a CIA-trained Cuban exile who is wanted in Cuba for the mid-flight bombing of a civilian airliner.

  6. Cuba is enemy of the USA, Cuba is part of Axis of Evil , and Cuba keep smuggling illegal communist balseros and illegal drugs  trough Florida stretch.

    We need to reinforce our security in our maritime borders

  7. None.

    JFK should off wiped castro during the Bay of Pigs right before the Cuban Missle Crisis.

    Many problems we face today wouldn't have happen like drugtrafficking.

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