
What sucks more than Venus Square Saturn?

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  1. Hon, I relate to this because I have Mercury opposition Saturn, but I have a different perspective than most persons. It is very important to see if there are other aspects to your Venus and/or Saturn. That is where you will find clues to help you deal with Venus square Saturn.

    Yes, Saturn can feel very oppressive. I don't know if Venus square Saturn feels worse than Mercury opposition Saturn. I am going to guess that I probably have had some similar feelings that you do with regard to social and personal relationships.

    I am told that with Mercury opposition Saturn that I will be easily depressed and have difficulties concentrating and communicating. I can verify that this is indeed true. It has been a lifelong struggle to overcome this problems and keep it overcome. Through astrology, I developed a good handle on how to deal with it.

    I went through years of these problems before I picked up an astrology book one day and knew the reasons why. One thing I did grasp though, was that although astrology showed us where the problems were, it also showed us ways to overcome these problems.

    The first thing I did was to allow Saturn to teach me what it wanted me to learn. I was supposed to learn ways to overcome the depression and difficulties in concentrating. It showed me that I was to do this by means of the Uranus aspect to both Mercury and Saturn. In other words, the planet Uranus was my antidote to the harsh aspect of Mercury and Saturn.

    If you look at my chart, Mercury is opposition Saturn exactly, and Uranus forms a trine to the Mercury and a sextile to the Saturn. What I am saying it the solution was right in front of my eyes. All I had to do was harness the energy that was promised me with the Uranus aspects.

    I see a big problem with fear of rejection with Saturn square Venus. So my suggestion to you is to look to see what else aspects the Venus and/or Saturn in your chart. Look for other planets as well as house cusps. I would be interested in seeing your entire chart.

    The good thing about having a harsh Saturn aspect is that it shows where you have an outstanding talent if the obstacle can be overcome. Venus square Saturn indicates success with sales, finance, law, writing and many other areas.

    Edit: Jupiter sextile Saturn is wonderful! That points even more toward talent and success with writing or speaking. What is especially nice is that you would be able to choose from so many different fields of interest. What I do is focus on developing my sextile and I don't lose sight of that goal. When I do that, everything else seems to fall into place and it lessens the harsh aspect Saturn makes to the other planet.

    To me, this is the lesson that astrology teaches. We have these harsh aspects and we definitely feel them in our lives. But we also have the antidotes, and we can always accentuate and reap those benefits as well.

    From what I've studied of astrology, I recall two important things about developing talents with Jupiter sextile Saturn:

    1) You have the ability to acquire and comprehend a wide range of knowledge. 2) You are one of those rare persons who can influence groups of persons.

    I know Venus square Saturn is no picnic. I would definitely make use of that Jupiter sextile Saturn to relieve and counteract.

  2. Venus square Saturn square the moon!

  3. Maybe Sun Trine Pluto (sun Gemini Pluto Cancer) or Venus Opposition Uranus (Venus is in Aries with Libra Uranus) This is my best friend and he is always in Passive Aggressive mode (it makes me laugh but it is taxing nonetheless) and he's always in pursuit of relationships that he won't commit to -- she has the looks but not the brains/education or she has the brain/education and doesn't have the look he is looking for.

    That sucks I'd think, no?

    Sun: Sadge

    Moon: Leo

    Ascendant- Leo

    I have some issues of my own too---Mercury in Capricorn with Scorpio in Venus and Mars - Jeeze Louise :-)))

  4. Idk

    What's with you and space stuff and weird questions anyway? Why don't you ask questions about girlfriend problems or do surveys? Something i can actually answer, correctly for that matter. lol.

    Sorry; but its just i would like to answer with a good response, not just guessing and getting best answer because you want to respond to what i said.

    To tell you the truth, im kinda on the retarded side, so i don't know much about space and Microsoft and blah so whatever. lol.

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