
What suggestions do you have for a beginner volleyball player?

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I'm going to join my school's volleyball team this year and I'm really nervous because I don't want to make a fool of myself. The first practice is in two weeks, what should I work on to be more prepared than I am now?




  1. keep atention

  2. Be one with the ball, Im not kidding. I have been playing for like six years. I personally have found my own personal style of training and I have mo own belief system of playing the game. I view volleyball as like fencing...And if you know about fening you can see what I mean if you really are intellectual about it. If your team does conditioning before the season, start exercising before you condition with the team. Start practicing serving, setting and bumping. Remember your not stuck in yor spot, you CAN MOVe around the court. Also CALL the ball if your gonna get it. Have fun! And use knee pads they will save your knees! Trust me they help you slide. Also learn how to slide properly. Be on your toes at all times.

  3. do u know how to play at all, if u do then start practicing on drills like just bumping to ball or setting. If u don't do u have someone who knows how?????? Well if so then ask they if they can teach u

  4. Start excersizing!! It's really strenuous!!

  5. Buy a volleyball. Each day after practice go home and practice what the coach has shown you. If you can maybe attend a camp. Work hard and if you have a question about the proper way to do something....ask. The coach will then know you are serious about learning volleyball. Hustle. Give 110%. Listen and do as the coach asks. I played volleyball for 7 years and I am now preparing to be a coach. Coaches love players who want to be there and who work hard. If you do something wrong and the coach explains how to improve what you are doing listen.

  6. I'm 14 yrs old and i've been playing volleyball for 5 seasons now . Try and work on your arm strength for serving. Just work on a lot of ball handling and control over it. Do drills with setting, hitting, and passing.

  7. practice with some one in this few days before the first practice. pay attention to the coach. be very serious and it will work out. practice a lot cause volleyball is most technique. if your wanna get into the volleyball team just for some fun, don't even waste your time.

  8. Just do your best and push your self to your absolute limits around the coach. Try to watch the upperclassmen and see what and how they do things.Always be ready for whats coming, and always be at the front of the line for any kind of drills, and act like you want to do them some more. Oh, and have LOTS of energy.

  9. I'm just answering to tell you, that I am also going into my volleyball team this year, and I'm nervous as well! Good luck!

  10. out hustle every body that makes a great impression on coach and pay attention when coach speaks.

  11. just work hard.. the first year i played, i had hardly even touched a volleyball, but it turned out i was pretty good and i even got a starting spot on the 'a' team, so if you just work hard, pracitce a lot, and are dedicated, you'll do fine!

  12. I always tell my daughter (trying out for 8th grade team), the whole object is don't let the ball hit the ground.  Do whatever it takes - sacrifice the body - to get to that ball.  It is going to hurt for just a minute.  But if you can save a rally, or game, or match by going down and saving one for the team - that is something that will stay with you forever.  A bruise or floor burn is a "reward" for hard work.  Others will see that.  And they'll appreciate it.

    Good Luck to You.  I know you can do it.

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