
What supermarket do you shop at for your groceries?

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What supermarket do you shop at for your groceries?




  1. kroger,harris teeter,walmart

  2. sainsburys - because its the closest to me.

  3. walmart, I find the better prices

  4. The only decent sized supermarket in town is a Co-op. I could go 9 miles to Morrison's or 5 miles to Sainsbury's or Asda.

  5. different ones, depending on what i need to buy, but generally just:

    Tesco, Sainsburys, apparently Asda has cut fuel prices recently!

  6. i live in a few towns, so in monson i shop at adams and in ware i shop at walmart and in palmer i shop at big y!

  7. Tesco, it's just up the road from me. the only other supermarket nearby is Waitrose and they don't have the variety of products.

  8. Tesco

  9. Harris Teeter, or Super Target!!!!

  10. Tesco's mainly but I sometimes use Asda

  11. sainsburys, tesco or asda

  12. Big shop Tescos little daily shop Sainsburys (use to be know as Jacksons)

  13. Morrisons or Asda

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