
What supplies does the teacher need?

by  |  earlier

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This is my 1st year teaching and I have a 3 in. catalogue full of supplies for my classroom. I will be teaching in the special Ed class, with the severe and profound kidos. What are some good things that i should order? I have about $250 to spend. Thanks for any suggestions!




  1. Just get the basic stuff right now, some pens, pencils, stapler, scissors and a few other things you will need. A great thing to get would be some individual dry erase boards with the markers. Other than that, I would wait until you get familiar with each child and the class as a whole before you spend the whole $250.

  2. I NEVER have enough glue.

    If you have to spend it all now, do you need:

    white board markers, erasers, cleaner?

    stapler, tape dispenser, 3 hole punch, pencil sharpener, scissors, rulers?

    paper clips, index cards, post-its, staples, masking tape (for hanging things on the wall), transparencies, laminating paper, folders - manilla and hanging?

    paper: white lined, construction, poster board, newsprint?

    pencils, pens, markers, colored pencils, crayons, rubber erasers (always needed), white-out?

    ink for a private classroom printer?

    videos or books for your content?

    posters for your wall?

    I need to buy everything listed above for my classroom except white-lined paper and computer paper, so I spend at least $250 a year.  I'm jealous that you have a bit of money to help you out.  :)

  3. A good supply of patience.

    My kid is in special ed with autism and there are things like visual timers and picture schedules that are in the classroom as well as a good supply of cheap reinforcers.  I think you'd be best off asking one of you colleagues at the school.

  4. Well personally I would invest in lots of glue, pens, pencils, rubbbers, rulers, sharpeners and felts. Enough for one each pencils and pens and rulers, but one between a small group with glue felts sharpeners rubbers etc. I would buy folders and boxes for storing work as well as plastic wallets. I would buy staplers paperclips paints and drawes as an extra. I also recommend saving some of the money until half way through the year and then stocking up again. Hope this has been of help. Oh and get lots of card, tissue paper, and arts and crafts things

  5. You will need some of the most basic supplies (pens, pencils, paper, glue, etc) that's true. But you will find that you will need things that you haven't thought of yet. For example, file folders to document student work, a telephone/address book to keep parent information on hand, a clipboard to help you remember who is doing what, scheduling, teacher room assignments etc... One of the best things I bought my first year was a carbon copy phone message book. I used it to keep record of the parent phone calls I made---I listed the date, time, phone number, person spoken to OR person I left a message for, and the reason. This way you have good documentation for ARD purposes and for student files.

    Welcome to teaching and have fun!

  6. I would say don't spend it all now.  After you have more experience with the kids you will get more ideas and it would be a shame if you already spent all your money.

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