
What supplies will i need for these particular classes?

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in grade nine; these are my first semester classes

period one-tech

period two-science

period three-art

period four-gym

i love my schedule it is such easy classes, but what will i need to bring to them?

what is grade nine tech like?

they didn't even tell us we had tech, on the option sheet it was academic or applied for all of these: english, french, math, science, geography. we chose between art or drama, and then we had to take gym. so obviously we had to have an eight class, but we weren't told it was tech. :\

in art, do i need to bring a binder?

and gym, well.. no questions there.

what do i need for the regular classes, though? (science, english, french, math, geo)




  1. usually within the first week, each teacher will give you a list of what you need for their classes. for most of your classes, you'll need the basics - folders, notebooks, pens, pencils, highlighters, etc.

    good luck, and enjoy your fresshman year, it goes fast!

  2. they should give you a list of school supplies you will need

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