
What surf board>>>??

by  |  earlier

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i about 27kg and im about 134cm.i am going 2 start surfing kinda soon.but i dont know what surfboard i should get.PLEASE TELL ME WHAT BOARD I SHOULD GET A SHOrt board or a long board or a soft top board.& PLEASE tell ME HOW LONG IT SHOULD be.PLEASE ANSWER.




  1. When first starting off the bigger the better . You have a even chance of keeping your balance . After you get the hang of it you can go down to lighter and shorter boards. just from my own experiences

  2. well read the answer i wrote on the other question you posted....

  3. Wow, a lego board for you, son!!

  4. you would want to start with a long brd. first learn to read waves and balance on a more stable board.

    9ft is a typical longbrd length however if my conversion is correct 134cm isnt very tall so a 7-8 fun board (smaller version of a long brd) w round nose. could be a more manageable board for your height and weight

    GL and welcome to the club.. hope you know what your getting
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