
What surfboard do you recommend for a 14 year old girl?

by Guest65544  |  earlier

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also what surfboards do you recommend for females




  1. A lot of people think long boards are easier, i prefer short (i'm 16, 5"9'), i would recommend going and renting both kinds and taking them out on the water, see what kind you like best. It's important if you get a short to get the right size for your hight. Somebody at a surf shop can tell you that though.

  2. i dont know about brands or anything but, you should start with a longboard, they glide more in the water but you wont beable to do crazy tricks.  longboards are good to learn balance.

  3. i am 14 and i use a 10 ft long board and i am 5"7'

  4. You can rent shortboard soft top boards as well as long boards. Try both. Figure out what kind of surfing you want to do. Do you want to be able to maneuver it easily and do cutbacks eventually? Or would you like glide and be able to nose ride one day?

    I started surfing when I was about 13. I had a friend's dad take me out on a longboard to get the basics down, but I really wanted to be a shortboarder. My family knew someone that shaped boards so I had a custom one made for really cheap. It was a 6'8 shortboard, but was made thicker so it floated me really well and I could catch waves easier. Shortly after I moved down to a 6'2, and since then I've had multiple board, all shortboards, because that's the style of surfing I like.

    Figure out what you want to do and talk to some people in local surf shops to help you out. You'll be able to find that right board.

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