
What swimming ability would I need to take a open water scuba course?

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What swimming ability would I need to take a open water scuba course?




  1. You will need to have workable water skills. Many agency's require about a 200 yard swim without stopping(can't hold on to the sides) and then 10 min or so of treading water. It usually doesn't matter how you swim it as long as you don't stop and the treading water can usually be done by floating most of it. You need to be able to swim because it could save your life. If you don't know how before your class then get some lessons. Your instructor may even work with you to help you out.

  2. you don't need to be a great swimmer. Just comfortable in the water. your instructor will make you swim a few lengths just to make sure you can swim. Also when you scuba dive you will be wearing flippers and all you have to do is kick softly. the current often pushes you along so it can be pretty easy if the conditions are okay.  

  3. For PADI, tread water for 10 minutes and swim 200 M using any stroke or combination of strokes without swim aids ( there is no time limit) and demonstrate that you're comfortable in the water.

  4. I have been scuba diving in the ocean, and I swim as well as a rock.  Remember, they will put weights on your waist, and an inflatable vest with your tanks, so you don't have to worry about buoyancy.  

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