
What system did/do you have to wake up for school??

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I am in desperate need to find a new routine so I can wake up for school on time and pleasant*. My old routine was to set my TV Timer to turn on @ the same time as my alarm clock. But now, because of the new season the show I usually watched has been moved to a later

Time, making my old routine USELESS. So tell me your ideas. I already go to bed as early as possible on school nights.

*When I say pleasant, I don't mean somebody coming in and squirting water in my face, OR falling off the bed (or anything like that)




  1. mii mom comes iin mii room and says niicly jenna wake up iif ii dont wake up my broher comes iin iin liike 10 and screams at mii

  2. i wake up at 6

    turn my alarm clock off

    turn on the tv

    pick out my clothes

    iron my clothes


    brush teeth

    wash face

    get dressed

    watch more tv

    do my hair leave at 7:10

    I'm pretty sure you are old enough to just get up yourself. that is your responsibility and no one should have to come in and physically get you up

  3. I set my alarm for 6:50, and my mum comes in and says "Laura it's time to get up" I'll lie in bed untill i'm actually awake, then put on my uniform use the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth, then go downstairs and eat a high energy breakfast (like weatabix minis with fruit and nut yum yum) get my books ready then go call for my friend (after yelling at her through the letterbox first lol) then we go get the bus to school! A pretty basic routine but it works fine for me!

  4. make your alarm tone an upbeat music. Also, avoid having remots to turn off the radio alarm, because as somebody already mentioned, just go up to turn it off.

    This strategy is bizzare, BUT it works really well on me =D

    Put a bunch of stuff toys, or pillows (just something soft), on the floor beside bed. And in the morning, when you're alarm goes off on the other side of the room, and you feel to lazy to get up, FALL on the floor where you have placed the soft things. PREFERABLY the one closest to the door, as it gets you more motivated. It gets you pumped, and more awake. This REALLY helped me :D good luck!

  5. My mom turns my TV on around 7:15, then I sleep for another 15 minutes. I get up, get dressed, go do my hair and face, then I leave for school. Not much to my mornings.

  6. Clock radio on other side of room so i actually have to get up to turn it off.

  7. i wake up at 6.

    i just set my alarm..

    nothing else will wake me up haha  

    then i just go straight to the shower, that always helps to wake me up.

    then i blowdry my hair, do my makeup, get dressed, straighten my hair, eat breakfast and go.

    turn on some really upbea music while your getting ready.

  8. I go to bed when ever I feel alarm wakes me up at 6:00. I take shower, brush my teeth and etc. I put my clothes on. By that time my mom or dad (depends on who is taking us to school that day. My mom takes longer to get ready) I go to school

  9. I ask my mother to get me up for like a month n then i get used to waking up at aroung 7:00 and thats when i wake up by myself

  10. my dad

  11. My dad wakes me up when he goes for a jog in the morning. Usually this is about half six- seven. I'll get up at seven, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush my teeth and hair and then leave the house at about eight for a half eight start to the school day. My dad is a Colonel stationed at Wright-Patterson so I have to get my five year old sis Grace off to kindergarten as well. I take her in, then get myself to high school. At 12.30 in my lunch break, I pick up Grace, take her home and have lunch. When I go back, Grace stays with our neighbor. I get back home at about 3 and wait for dad who gets home at five.

    Me and Grace have snacks and do homework when we get home then watch TV, or read or something. When dad gets home we're allowed to go out until six, when dinner is.

    We then come in for dinner and Grace has a bath at 7. She takes about an hour in the bath and then gets put to bed at half eight. I have a shower/bath at nine and then go to bed at about eleven. The next morning we start all over again lol.  

  12. I set my cell phone alarm for 6:30 and set it on my pillow on the charger so it can't fall off or anything. So when it sounds, its ringing in at least one of my ears and my ring tone is really loud.

  13. You can get alarm clocks that start to slowly turn up the volume of a nice noise (birds singing, the sea etc...) for half an hour until its loud enough to wake you up at the time you need to! (scroll down and you'll see some that use nature sounds and aromatherapy too...)

    Or these ones which wake you up like a sunrise.

    My parents just used to come in and make me stand up so I wouldn't go back to sleep!

    I have a really bad habit of putting my alarm on snooze, so if I really need to get up I put my phone on the other side of my room so I have to get up to turn it off.

  14. Just buy an alarm clock that will play a cd or your ipod when it goes off that way you will wake up to a different song every morning. If you have ipod speakers just set your alarm on your ipod and plug it into your speaker and leave the speakers on, its what i do.

  15. i just naturally wake up at 7

    sometimes i use my cell phone as an alarm

    i honestly don't see why you need a routine to wake up pleasantly...

    i just think you just need to wake up and GO  

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