
What system does GTA 4 looks better on PS3 or 360 ??? Whats system is better to have Ps3 or 360 and why ? ?

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Which games looks better on what system???




  1. well ggtga 4 is the same on both systems but ps3 games look better than 360 it runs at 1080p and 360 runs at 720p so ps3 is better the only way you can tell is if you get 1 exclusive from ps3 and 360 and ps3 is better

  2. Looks the Same. The better system depends on what you want out of it.

  3. Xbox has far better graphics.

    PS3 gta 4 loads slow. if you are going to buy,both are the same price.  

  4. Hey,

    Its really easy, PS3 online has far better graphics, story line, and is much faster to load games, also it is free online...

    X-Box 360 has achievements, which make the game much more enjoyable as when you finish the missions, you have more in the city to fun finding and doing...

    PS3 has better graphics during normal (not online) game play, it gives a better feel like your in the game due to the sixasis controller, you can reload a gun, drive boats, helicopters, cars, bikes, motorbikes and do a lot more with that light weight controller, although ps3 takes approximately 10 seconds more to load for missions, online, game loading, cheats, etc.

    Overall I would suggest getting PS3 version simply because it has more overall outstanding features...

    most of the people who say "xbox is better or ps3 is better" are saying this most likely because they only have that one system, I have both and have beaten GTA 4 on both systems, and play online on both systems an equal amount... If you still don't know what to do after reading this, my only suggestion would be to go to best buy or future shop and try it out there, call up a friend and play at their house??? Or do anything that you might be able to test the game before you buy it, for the ps3 It is $75.00 and 360 $70.00...


    Best answer?

  5. i think imho

    that the PS3 graphics are far bette than 360

    i've played both numerous time with numerous different games

    and PS3 always seems to look better

    also PS3 has a blu-ray which are tremendously sharp with the picture

    so for the little extra money you get a blu-ray player

    instead of ditching out another 700 bucks for one

    so i would say the PS3 is better

    and GTA 4 i would go with either one it looks good on both :D

  6. ps3 is at it and u noe it is better

  7. There is no real way to compare the PS3 and XBOX graphics

  8. I've seen the comparsion videos (just search on The difference is insignificant, however PS3 has faster loading times.

  9. well the actual looks of the game are almost indistinguishable but the ps3 version can display some brighter colors far better while the xbox version has a more darker look to it. But graphics are only a small part of this game the largest difference is the visible city load times. since they city is so large it requires a lot of power to display it all. one thing i noticed on the ps3 is that you will see more textures and more shading for a greater radius even if you are moving at fast speeds. on the xbox that radius is greatly decreased and you see far less textures load up.

    the worst thing that usually happens on the ps3 is maybe you're 30 meters from a building and you see it's shadow effect load up

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