
What table food did your baby eat at 8 months?

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Alyssa is 8 months old and I really can't relax when feeding her table food. No matter how small and soft the pieces are in the back of my mind I get extreme anxiety that she will choke.

I've read all the websites and books on this topic, so please don't post links.

Please tell me what you actually fed your baby at 8 months old.




  1. Yay Alyssa!  She sounds like she's doing great.  My Alyssa was still a very messy eater at 8 months.  Got more in her eyes and nose then her mouth.  lol

    My kids REALLY loved cool moist fruits and veggies at around 8 months.  Although they couldn't really eat celery and green bell peppers, they LOVED to gnaw on them.  They also really loved little pieces of cantaloupe, honey dew, pineapple and things like that.  I swore my kids were vegetarians at first.  They refused to eat meat at all.  In the baby food was the only way they'd eat it.  lol  They also loved things like mashed potatoes as well.

  2. At 8 months I blended up whatever we were having for dinner for my son.  Except the Obvious - citrus, fish, honey - you know.

    I think its best to offer babies a wide range of foods so they don't grow up to be picky eaters.  What he did not like we would offer again in a month or so and usually he would like it the second or third time around.  I don't remember my boy ever choking.  He was always a really good eater too. (Still Is).

    If your worried I would suggest just blending it more.  Puree it.

    Hope I helped.

  3. Since about 6.5 months my daughter loves mellon and a little bit of bananas.  She likes cheese (shredded), yogurt, cooked carrots and things like that.

  4. My son eats black beans, small chunks of banana, watermelon, cheerios, chunks of tofu, small pieces of squash, cooked carrots, potato, zucchini, egg (yolk only), skinless pears, peas, and little bits of broccoli (occasionally).

    We haven't had any issues with choking or gagging.  

  5. my son is 7 months and he eats almost everything we eat (unless i make something SUPER spicy and hot i don't think he would enjoy), he has no teeth.

    last night he ate stuffed shells, the other night he ate enchiladas, he'll eat potato salad, macaroni and cheese, pierogies, cheese sliced in long thin slices so he can pick it up, steamed asparagus spears steamed broccoli, bananas, avocado, etc.

    i don't always cut things up in small pieces if it is soft because then he can't pick it up.  like last night i just gave him 2 stuffed shells whole on his tray (so he could pick them up) and he chewed and tore pieces off and ate the filling off his fingers (it was rather messy but every meal is!)  asparagus i give him the whole spear cooked and he chews pieces off too.

  6. Anything we were eating, really.  I feed her most of her food though at first and then give her something to eat herself while I eat.  Eggs, sausage, biscuits, cheerios, lasanga, speggetti, meat loaf, roast, all sorts of veggies and fruits.

  7. just my kids but both could eat pretty much anything except meat because there are no back teeth to chew but mine could eat anything else

  8. My son is 9 months and has been on complete table food for 2 months now (the doc said he eats like a 15 month old). He has 2 teeth. I don't give him Peanut butter, honey or chocolate, everything else he eats.

    I give him whatever we eat but I try to give him more fruits and veggies and i watch his sodium intake. Babies should have about 700mg of sodium a day. Some of the gerber meals for toddler have 450 or so in one meal! I do keep a few on hand in case I'm in a pinch but try to stay away from them.

    Here's a sample day of his meals:

    bfast ---- toast with cream cheese and banana, 4 oz formula

    lunch----- ground hamburger, peas, blueberries, cheerios

    dinner----chicken, broccoli, carrots, strawberries, biscuit

    bedtime---6 oz formula

    He also snacks a few times a day. I try to give a fruit at bfast, a fruit and veggie at lunch, 2 veggies and a fruit at dinner. He takes very little formula but the doc said given his eating habits its ok as long as he is drinking plenty of water.

    I want to add that every baby is different and yours may or may not be ready for as much table food.  I babysit a 20 month old little boy and have for over a year.  He would gag on table food and ate baby food until he was 15 months.  He started eating cheerios at 15 months and now eats mostly table food (although he is a VERY picky eater!)

    I was nervous at first but they have a great ability to cough when they need to to keep from choking.  I just cut it all up in pieces about the size of a pea and he feds himself.

  9. caden LOVES pieces of banana. they are messy...he likes unsalted crackers,mashed potatoes,gerber zwieback toast, just about anything soft.  

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