
What takes longer, sending a letter to australia from the USA ? or sending a ltter from the USA to Australia?

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I mean sending from the USA to Australia, or from Australia to the USA .




  1. I'm an American living in Perth, and this is like clockwork.

    For packages:

    1) sending to Washington DC from Perth -> 7 days or less unless Australian Customs decides to open it. Longest I had to wait was 2 weeks for a box of Twinkies (they almost expired by the time they arrived).

    2) sending to Perth from Washington DC -> 10 - 14 days.

    For letters:

    1) sending to Washington DC from Perth -> 6 days or less.

    2) sending to Perth from Washington DC -> 7 - 10 days.

    For postcards:

    1) sending to Washington DC from Perth -> completely random and unpredictable.

    2) sending to Perth from Washington DC -> completely random and unpredictable.

  2. It all depends on the postal services in the countries involved.

    Example: I could send a letter to Italy and could take 3 days or even up to 3-4  weeks.  Some countries have better postal services than others. The Italian post is very slow  .

  3. I'm assuming that they would be the same amount of time. However the postal service in Australia could be different then in the USA. So it may take longer on either side.

  4. From my experience it is very similar  both ways !!

  5. Its been awhile but I remember sending letters to Tasmania Australia and receiving. Not sure there was much of a difference.

    Usually it was about 9 days either way.

    Oh and I live in the southwest of the U.S.

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