
What takes place during jury selection?

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What takes place during jury selection?




  1. jurors are selected.

  2. All of the prospective jurors are brought into a room. Each juror has been assigned a number (you'll get that number when you report to the Clerk's office). Assuming the case needs 12 jurors, they will draw 18 numbers out of a hat. Those jurors will be seated on the bench. Everyone else is watching.

    The judge will ask some questions. If the judge, or either attorney believes that a juror has a legitimate conflict (examples: juror is represented by one of the attorneys in other matters; juror knows or is related to plaintiff or defendant; etc.), that juror is removed from the bench and a new number is drawn.

    When all of the questions have been asked, the judge will give the attorneys a few minutes to select 3 jurors they can have excused for no reason at all. The plaintiff gets rid of 3. The defense gets rid of 3. There are 12 jurors left.

    This is the part that surprises most people. Once the jurors are selected, the trial starts. There isn't a notice that says the trial starts tomorrow morning at 9. The jury is already in their chairs and the trial starts as soon as they clear the people from the courtroom.

  3. waiting, no pay and parking fees that never seem to get reimbursed.

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