
What tastes nicer, a cigarette or a joint?

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What tastes nicer, a cigarette or a joint?




  1. It would really depend on the mood I was in, but often a joint tastes better for me cause I know I'm getting something out of it rather than just cancer, hah. But in the end, neither of them have a very pleasant taste. =p

  2. depends what kind of herb, but usually a ciggy..

  3. J

  4. well a good j of some kind bud always tastes nice but i do like my camel frost

  5. Neither, but if I had to, it'd defintely be the J

  6. i don't know.......i would have to say the flavored black and milds that they have out.....I really don't smoke tho, so I'm just assuming.....

  7. dooby

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