
What tattoo should i get?

by  |  earlier

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i want a tattoo on my wrist that symbolizes starting a new beginning and forgetting about the past. i already posted my story.. here is the link if you're interested..;_ylt=Au3sINv.EDfpVVmC8ULRyTzC7BR.;_ylv=3?qid=20080901162157AA0kiKL




  1. A phoenix.

  2. Personally, I feel that a tattoo you get on your body should be something that you want, not something that someone tells you to get. Make sure you put a lot of thought into it. I am assuming in your case you are just looking for ideas. What I would get is a little stylized sun rise of some sort symbolizing that there will always be a bright new day. You could also have a field in the foreground with a flower for each person who is close to you.. Just a scene that makes you happy when you see it. This idea could also be perceived that you guys (the flowers) will grow from the sun and become stronger as time goes on. Let me know what you think of the idea, good luck, and stay strong =)

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