I would like to know if I have included all the right taxes in my analysis below. Does this look about right to you?
Salary: $50,000
Married: Yes
Allowances: 0
== Witholdings ===
Federal Income Tax: $1,550 + 0.15 * ($50,000 - $23,550) = $5,517.50
IL Income Tax: 0.03 * $50,000 = $1,500
Social Security: 0.062 * $50,000 = $3,100
Medicare: 0.0145 * $50,000 = $725
FUTA: 0.062 * $7,000 = $432
== Analysis ===
Taxes witheld: $11,274.5
I get to keep: $38,725.5
Effective tax rate: $11,274.5/$50,000 = 0.22549