
What tea is better for boosting your metabolism?

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White tea or green tea? I also Have white tea mixed with green tea. Which one is the best for losing weight?Also which one has the best taste?




  1. green tea

  2. Supposedly white tea is just green tea that is picked while the plant is much younger. This makes a lighter color and is more concentrated with antioxidents since the plant is smaller and has less water in it.

    Don't forget to drink a glass of water about 15 - 30 minutes after having tea. While the green or white tea is good for you it still has caffeine and will dehydrate you. Being properly hydrated will increase your motabolism by 3%.

  3. I think that Green Tea is better for boosting your metabolism.

  4. green

    try some organic oolong tea too...chinese prefer

    wu-yi tea has helped me lose 30 lbs since late february

  5. Green!

    I drank green tea (about 6 tall cups a day) for several months straight and lost about 15 lbs.  

    NO SUGAR! okay?

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