
What team's announcers do you think are the worst or most annoying?

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What team's announcers do you think are the worst or most annoying?




  1. all i have to say is" YOU CAN PUT IT ON THE BORED" "YES!!!"

  2. Suzyn Waldman and John Sterling on the Yankees.  

  3. You haven't heard bad until you give a listen to Mario and Rod do a Tigers game on FSN.

  4. I don't like the Cubs announcers on WGN. Its like they only care about the Cubs and no one else.

  5. The ESPN team. Obviously not an MLB team, but you didn't say that. Joe Morgan brings them all down.

  6. I just really dislike Joe Buck.  I mean, I REALLY dislike him.

  7. Joe Buck and his moron accomplice tim mccarver  

  8. yankees announcers suck they are way too into the yankees

  9. Susan Waldman & Joe Buck, no others get under my skin like those two.

  10. yankees; jonny damon leeps and maks the play.... no... he dropped the ball

  11. The most annoying and one sided announcers are the Yankee broadcasters.  For the most part, they get the play by play right, but their analysis is incredibly one sided and gets delusional at times.  Susan Waldman still thinks the Yankees have a chance at the playoffs....even with Pavano in the line up.  They need to get over the Yankee-ness of themselves....

  12. the most annoying- john sterling and susan waldman for the yankees- they think their team can do no wrong.

    the worst/most boring- Braves announcers. If you're looking for a good way to fall asleep.....

  13. Frosty, what are you talking about? I hardly ever hear the Cubs announcers do that. I think they're some of the most unbiased announcers in the game. They always give credit to the other team when it's due.

    And if the Cubs are doing something wrong, they focus on that, not the positives. If you're talking about today how they were going on about the offense, then yes, they did. But besides that, I've hardly ever heard them do that and I watch just about every game.

    But to answer the question: I can't stand Joe Morgan.

  14. The White Sox--cliched, boring, full of themselves, loud blowhards...I root against the Sox not just because I am a Twins fan or because they seem like a collection of jerks led by a tool, but their announcers make my fists itch.

  15. The White Sox announcers are terrible. They are the biggest homers. They actually cheer like fans in the stands for the White Sox players. Its embarrassing. I'd put the Braves second. Michael Kay is great for the Yankees, but the other guys on the Yankee broadcast team don't offer much.

    On the positive side, the best announcing team are the Giants and the Mets.  

  16. San Diego Padres. I have XM and listen to games from markets all over the country and the radio team from San Diego have got to be the most annoying two clowns anywhere.  

  17. White Sox. I don't mind the team, but I don't like their announcers.

    And for all the guff that Michael Kay and the YES team gets for being too pro-Yankee (and a LOT of announcers I've heard show biases toward the teams they cover), they're still a good team. Al Leiter and John Flaherty are great analysts. Jim Kaat was the best, though.

    I like the YES guys better than Waldman and Sterling. Sterling has a great voice, but doesn't know how to use it. And Waldman is just annoying.

  18. cubs announcers, everything the cubs do is godly in their eyes, and thats all they talk about for 3 hours, how awesome they are.  Cant stand them.

  19. Seattle Mariners

    I fall asleep during Mariners baseball games because they're so stupid. They just ramble on about random c**p. Then they sit there for 5 minutes just being quiet. It gets so ANNOYING!

  20. the devil rays they arent that into the games they all seem like they are so old

    but i like the red sox announcers they are pretty good

  21. I don't hear a lot of different announcers, but Sterling and Waldman are pretty bad, as are the ESPN guys.  Joe Morgan and the rest.

  22. I think the announcing team that is the most annoying is the tandem of Joe Buck and Tim McCarver. Buck is widely disliked because of his droning voice and his lack of a sense of humor while McCarver seems to have no idea about what he is talking about sometimes and usually provides very little insight to the game.

  23. Hands down, the San Diego Padres.  The TV guys aren't bad, but terrible Ted Leittner and Jerry Coleman and Andy Mazer are downright c**p.  I can listen to a full inning of baseball and not even hear the score unless the Padres are ahead and they aren't too often.

  24. The most annoying announcers are the Cincinnati Reds announcers.  Yes, the Cubs announcers do seem to root for the cubs, but give credit to everyone.  The Reds announcers simply can not give anyone on an opposing team credit, and but the blame on their own team.

    The least entertaining announcers are the Chicago White Sox announcers.  I could fall asleep listening to them.  Their voices just have that monotonous fell to them, it drives me insane.

    The absolute best announcers are Ron Santo and Pat Hughes [the Cubs WGN radio broadcasters].  They bring so much entertainment and emotion to the game, that i mute the T.V. and turn on the radio.

  25. i think the yankees announcers because with every pregame i actually watch of the yankees, they ask who do you think will win. they say the yanks will win even against the cubs( if they matchup. also i dislike some of the fsn announcers because their talking is like jigglypuff using sing.i like sny.

  26. Cubs and White Sox announcers are bad. Braves a close second. A lot of dead silence during plays of a Braves game. You wonder if they are sleeping.

  27. Most of the ESPN announcers leave something to be desired. It's pretty annoying listening to guys who know very little about the teams they're covering besides the basic information that can get them enough chatter for one game. A lot of times they'll go off about stories that have nothing to do with either team or even baseball itself!

    And I agree with the above answer that Joe Morgan really should consider contributing to the baseball world in another capacity. He seems like a good guy, but he really is hard to take for nine innings.

  28. The Yankee announcers. The one guy's voice is screechy and he ALWAYS says SEEEYA on balls that half the time don't get out of the park.

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