
What team do u think bret farve belongs on. and whose fault is it that he got traded?

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what team do u think bret farve belongs on the packers, the jets or some other random team. and explain why (dont pick your favorite team or least favorte team) and whose fault was it that he got traded?




  1. Jets bc he got traded  and it was his fault that he was traded bc he could not make his mind up  

  2. i think he belongs on the jets and it's his fault for not staying retired

  3. As much as I like him, he should have stayed retired and a Packer forever. I hate when athletes come out of retirement or change team late in their career especially when they are the franchise.

  4. He can stay with the Jets for all I care.

    It was his own fault he got traded, he shouldve just stayed retired in the first place, he's got no one to blame but himself.  

  5. I dont really know why but I personelly think he fits the packers but thats just me and I dont know who's fault it is, GM probaly

  6. I think they should have traded him to Atlanta. It's his own fault. He should have taken their money and stayed retired.

  7. It was nobody's fault he got traded, that's what he wanted and it's what he got.

  8. Well, he belongs on the Jets team, He was traded there. I think it was more the packers fault. yeah favre was on the fence about retiring for he past 4 years but he is Brett Favre HOF QB. But yeah he belongs on the Jets.  

  9. Brett Favre loves USC

    Fight ON!!

    Root for USC

  10. Brett Favre belongs out in wisconsin, but not on the packers.

    He should still be retired and staying out of the spotlight.

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