
What team do you predict will win the Grey Cup in 2006/2007?

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I bet you 14 million that The Saskatchewan Roughriders will win this year ! What team do you think will do it ?




  1. i'll take it in cash as the Argos win it again!!!!!!!!!


    Need I say more

  3. Baltimore again maybe?

  4. lol....14 million...i don't even think the roughriders even pay there hole roster that amount.

  5. I'll take that bet! That franchise is messed up, dude. Barnett and Shivers are manning a sinking ship. Send the $14 million now to my RBC acct., OK?

    2006--if I was betting now, I'd bet Montreal will avenge for last year's loss.

    2007--too far ahead.

    2006/07--CFL finishes up in Nov. or early Dec. so are you talking 06/07 NHL then?

  6. I bet you don't have 14M and there is no 2006/2007 season.  The championship is settled in the same year the season starts.  In our league any team could win in any given year. I like the Argos in 2006 and 2007 (but that doesn't mean they'll win).

  7. Well I was gonna say the Riders, but I have to take a 14 million bet.

    So I'll take Montreal

  8. I'd like to see B.C. Lions make it all the way to Grey Cup champs. If not them, Saskatchewan looks to be a close second choice.

  9. Go Stamps Go - however, we need a quarterback who can handle a snap and receivers who don't bail to the NFL as soon as the second-string boys out there are injured.

  10. how about those magic Alouettes? :)

  11. Alouettes

  12. I don't know, but you can stick a fork in the Argos.

  13. Go Roughriders!

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