
What team will give team usa a run for their money?

by Guest64440  |  earlier

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i think spain and germany have good teams but usa will reclaim the gold




  1. France because of Parker and Diaw

    Germany because of Dirk

    Spain Gasols

    Argentina because of Manu

  2. I think the USA will win but watch out for China, the home team.

    They also have a funny rule, when batting, you have to keep one foot in the batters box at all times.  If you step out after a pitch, its a strike.

  3. Argentina (Manu) and Spain (Gasol brothers).

  4. last team to win gold and Spain. maybe Italy too since the NBA love getting players from there. they must have so game in that country right?!

  5. France didnt even qualify hahhah  ^^^

    anyways look out for spain....but still usa will win big !

  6. spain

    india sucks

    china cheats in every sport to win

    hope i helped

  7. ya i think spain cuz of the gasols and their both big men but thats just my opinon

  8. spain!!!!!!!!!!! but we will tear them up and win our gold baby

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