
What teams would you like to see play in the World Series this year?

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What teams would you like to see play in the World Series this year?




  1. Don't hold your breath on the Cubs.  They will just do what their used to doing.  They'll get to the playoffs and CHOKE!!!!  It's what they're known for.


  2. i wud like to see yankees vs dodgers and see torre comeback to the stadium and see the yankees win in there last season there., or another subway series or get revenge on the marlins or beat the diamondbacks to death for 01 or cardinals cuz thats who we shuda killed in 04

  3. Marlins and Angels.

  4. The Angles and Dodgers.

  5. Red Sox and Cubs

  6. twins cardnals a rematch

  7. Mets vs Angels

  8. Yankees vs. whoever.

    Long as the Yankees end it with a champagne celebration, I'm good.

    If I had my druthers, I'd pick the Cardinals, Brewers, Dodgers (for Joe Torre) or the Mets.

  9. Cubs vs. Red Sox. Too bad it won't happen.

  10. White Sox and Mets

  11. I want to watch the New York Yankees win the WS against the Cubs to give Yankee Stadium an amazing send off and squash the dreams of Cubs fans.

    Oh, that's mean, isn't it?

  12. Dodgers and Red Sox with the Dodgers taking the series.

  13. Marlins vs. Red Sox

  14. rays and cubs

  15. Cubs and Red Sox (2 oldest stadiums in baseball)

  16. red sox all the way!!

  17. Yankees - Cubs

    Yankees - Mets

    Angels - Cubs

    Angels-  Mets

    But I think It'll be the Angels vs. Cubs with the Angels taking it in 5 maybe even 4.

  18. The Angels (my team) and the Cardinals (my grandpa and uncle's favorite team) simply for the rivalry among my family members.

    That, or the Angels and the Phillies (my favorite NL team).

    Although, as long as the Angels win it, I don't really care who they play against.

  19. Angles over Cubbies

  20. D'backs and Rays.

  21. I agree with prince albert.... Cards vs Tampa because they were expected to suck.

  22. rays and cardinals

    2 teams that were expected to be at the bottom of there division

  23. Rays/D-Backs

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