
What techiques do you use when you are so frustrated you want to beat your child?

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Sometimes kids push your buttons on purpose. When you get so mad you might hurt a little child what do you do?




  1. Personally I lock myself in the bathroom for a few minutes until I calm down. Better you remove yourself from that situation then hurt your child.

  2. Walk away !!!

    I dont believe for a second that any parent doesnt at least feel this way One time.  But you walk away regroup and then come back.

    you have to have a moment so you dont react.

  3. You need to remove yourself from the situation immediately/

  4. Get fixed. I wouldn't trust someone who wants to beat kids around children. Please stop breeding.

  5. First and foremost...walk away from the situation!  Then DO NOT be angry with yourself.  All parents/childcare givers get so frustrated that they have these thoughts.  I have told people to count to 10 but honestly it doesn't work for most of my clients.  A good remedy is to laugh but if you are to the point that it is impossible to think of something that funny, simply walk into your bedroom, shut the door, bury your head in a pillow and scream as loud as you can.  This releases your frustrations as well as makes you feel better, it is an outlet to your frustration without yelling at your child or hitting them.  And please remember there is a world of difference between wanting to hurt your child/children and actually hurting them!  

  6. my son is only 13 months old, but he has his ways to push my buttons and he's starting to figure that out. & when hes throwing fits and what not and i get upset or frustrated, i'll either give him to his dad or whatever family responsible family member is around and remove myself from the situation. if im home alone, i'll put him in the living room, turn on cartoons, put up the baby gate & head to the kitchen too usually do dishes, bake, or sometimes just cool off. (and yes, i'll check on him every few minutes.. im not the type of person to put my kid in a room & leave him there for hours on end without checking, he frequently gets checked on.).. any parent who hits, throws, pushes, or whatever their child(ren) obviously doesnt need them. imagine how youd feel if it was the other way around. its for sure not the answer or cure to anything, its just a person acting on ignorance.

  7. walk away.

  8. Get help now!

  9. Smack them, today we are to soft, that is the reason we have out of control teens and kids that are disrespectful. Don't get me wrong when i say smack them, it doesn't mean you beat them with a softball bat.Smack them across the backside till it hurts and the child realize that he/she is wrong.

    You see I'm not one of these politician that make stupid rules that you can't smack your child, because that politician won't be there when my teenage boy is out of control.

    I live in the real world and want my kids to have the respect value as they do now and this can only be gained with discipline

  10. Go someplace else. I usually leave the room for a few minutes,maybe grab some food or just lay down on my bed to calm down. If you find yourself in that situation you need to remove yourself immediately before you do something you will regret later on. I usually tell my daughter that I need a little time-out and she usually recognizes that I need to be left alone so she'll sit and play with her toys while I calm down in the next room.

    Best of luck.

  11. First of all every parent goes through this on occasion.  The thing I learned to do was put myself in time out.  If your children are safe and unable to get into trouble, just take ten minutes or maybe less and go into your room, close the door and just do some breathing exercises or something to calm yourself down  You must be the one in control or your children will control you for ever.  As they grow older it is easier to put yourself in time out and tell them you will handle the situation when you are through with time out.  When they are little, just make certain they are safe, can't get into any thing that will harm them, and take a few minutes to gather your wits about you.  It works.  However, if all else fails, throw a glass of water on them to get their attention an tell them you will not longer tolerate what is going on.  It is not abusive (according to my therapist) and it gets their attention.  I only had to do it one time and believe me it was well worth the price of a therapy session to get that bit of information.   Good luck.

  12. I know those situations, when the child is just going absolutely bonkers and you want to slap them upside the mouth just to make them stop and think a minute...

    The best thing to do is to pick up the child, kicking, screaming, hitting...let them do it all while you are carrying him/her. Carry the child to their room, tell him/her that both you and him/her need a time-out (make sure you say that you need a time-out too...children should know that parents aren't perfect), and tell the child that s/he can come out when calmed down so that you and s/he can talk about what to do in a future situation like that.

    Communication and a calm attitude are key. Just pick the child up, plop them down in their room and tell them it's time-out for both you and him/her. If the child is too old to be picked up, then they are old enough to go to their room when told, so just tell them to go to their room so that both of you can have a time-out.

    Edit: I really like the idea given earlier about splashing water on them if nothing else works...just to get their attention. I'll have to remember that one. I don't think a full glass of water...just dipping the hand in water and flicking it would probably do just fine, in my opinion, unless the child is older, like a pre-teen or teen.

  13. Eat something while biting food you will relieve stress

  14. My son has oppositional defiance disorder and can be quite the handful. He stomps on buttons instead of pushing them. Try having your child go stay in their room for a bit while you chill out. You may have to take several deep breaths but removing yourself from the situation does help. I have 4 kids total and my down time is late in the evenings. If you have to go sit in the bathroom until you calm down. If you need to talk contact me.

  15. walk away, take the phone with you and call some one and get some help for these feelings. we all get frustrated with our kids at times but if you think you are going to physically hurt them i suggest you get help for this asap. i don't know where your from, but you could try life line, or another support number who offer 24hr help and advice

    please don't hurt your kids, get help now

  16. get away and cool down,

    go for a walk

    go sit in thebathroom and read

    call someone



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