
What techniques are used by the mass media employ to sell conventional ideas about gender to woman and men?

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basically i am asking how does the mass media contribute to the ideas about gender to women and men




  1. That question needs a book for an answer.

    All I know it that the ads by my E-mail are all about cosmetics, renting purses, etc. and my boyfriend's E-mail is barraged with stock broker ads, investing, travel, etc.

    Even the marketers treat my like a Bimbo.  The message I get when I go to read my E-mail is, you need make-up, you're ugly, you have acne, you need new clothes and shoes.  

    My boyfriends marketing message is you have money, invest it wisely, come to the Caribbean.

    It starts to get to you after a while.

  2. Just look at ads for food and you'll have your answer.

    Food for men: Large portions, filling, cheap, repeat: large portions.

    Food for women: Low calories but tastes sooo naughty!

  3. They start early.  Take a peek at Toys R Us.

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