
What temp. should I wash clothes to keep them soft?

by Guest66604  |  earlier

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  1. Keeping them soft has nothing to do with water temp but very thing to do with using too much detergent and them not rinsing properly. I wash on the cold cycle, use about 1 1/2tsp 3x All concentrate and it lasts me around 300 loads in my front load washer. Using that much is about 1/10 the recommended amount. I also use 1/2 cup white vinegar in my rinse cycle as a deodorizer as well as a softener and hang my clothes outside to dry to save me about $80 in electric bill costs every month. My clothes are very soft even right off the line.

  2. Warm or Cold temperature wash is best for keeping clothes soft Good Luck !

  3. Its not so much temp.

    Use some fabric softener in final rinse cycle when the wash machine is full of water and put about 1 cap full for small or medium. If large load use 2 cap full. This shall make them much softener and there is also dryer sheets. I recommend like 4 of them per load.

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