
What temperature does it snow?

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  1. usually at 4c and ground temperatures below that prevent it from thawing.

  2. actually if its 32 degrees it will snow but, it will melt once it reaches the ground. it has to be 30 degrees or less to be an actual snowflake. 32 deg. snow is watery and icey... well atleest in ny it is

  3. 32 degrees or less. It also has to have the combination of precipitation.

  4. 32 degrees and under.

  5. 32 Degrees, if it gets too low and bitter cold under 20 degrees, it doesn't snow.

  6. Actually, to get snow the temperature in the cloud layer where precipitation is being generated needs to be at least on the order of about 15 below zero Celsius.  If it's warmer than that, then you will likely get small supercooled water droplets.  From there the snow falls and will remain intact as long as temperatures remain below freezing most of the way to the ground.  It can still snow with surface temperatures above freezing, just as long as that above freezing layer is shallow.  I have seen it snow with a surface temperature in the 40's.

  7. About 32 degrees....

  8. 32 degrees..freezing point..

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