
What temperature is it usually when you can see your breath?

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What temperature is it usually when you can see your breath?




  1. There is no particular temperature.  This is because the phenomenon that makes the moisture in your breath visible is called the Dew Point.  Dew Point is defined as the temperature a volume of air must be lowered to, to make its moisture visible.  The same phenom eon that creates fog and clouds in the sky cause you to be able to see your breath.  

    There is no particular set temperature.  It depends on the relative humidity of the air you are breathing into.  For instance if you are in a cold dry environment, it will take pretty low temperatures to make your breath visible since the dry air can hold a lot of moisture.  However, if you are in a humid environment your breath will make more of an impact as it saturates the air.  In fact in very humid air you can see your breath at pretty high tempreatures.  You may notice this as steam eminates from rock stars as they perform outdoors on a particularly humid night.  


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