
What temperature should i put my 5 gallon fish to?

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im gonna get 4 cory catfish and i was wondering what temperature i should put it to




  1. 80F is good, but you can not keep any other fish with them, if you want to you can squeeze a betta in there with the cories and they can go very well. Pigmy cories that only get about 1 inch would be a better choice than corydoras.

  2. 22-24C

    Peppered Cory live in the wild in Germany and Holland. If there is nothing else in the tank, they are OK at sub-tropical temps.

    Lower temp, slower biorhythm and longer life.

  3. Boiling Temp.

  4. 72-78 degrees is what they should be kept at.

    I would also keep test kits on hand.  Although your cory's won't get over about 2 - 21/2 inches, this is still a strain since they are all bottom dwellers.  Also, don't forget to add lettuce or zucchini to the tank instead of algae wafers.

    The tank is going to need to be kept clean, but not algae free.

  5. i keep my freshwater tank in the 73-77 Fahrenheit range.  if you keep the tank too cold, the fish's immune systems shut down, and they get lethargic, and water that's too warm wont have enough oxygen in the water, and they will suffocate.

    anywhere in the mid to upper 70s low 80s is fine for tropical aquarium fish

  6. Lightly pan-fry at low to medium temperature. I'd serve with a rocket side salad and a nice fruity Chardonnay.

  7. Im definately thinking a 5 gallon tank is way to small for 4 cory cats

  8. tropical fish are good between 78-85. 80 is what i keep mine at

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